Gym Lighting Ideas

Inspiring images of gym and leisure centre lighting

If you’ve landed on this page looking for gym lighting ideas then it’s likely you are looking for inspiring gym lights for your fitness or leisure centre lighting design. Below we’ve picked a small selection of our commercial lighting suitable for gyms to give you a flavour of what’s possible. If you have your own vision in mind but cannot see what you need below why not contact us because sometimes new product launches may not be live on the site. Send us your design ideas for your gym lighting scheme and we’d be happy to assist you with product selection and technical support.

Get The Look
  • Flip
  • Drum
  • B-Line
    5.8 Acoustic
  • Vogue
  • Diamante
  • Hoop LA
  • Hoop LA
  • Hula
    Acoustic Ring

Need Assistance?

From product selection, price enquiry & technical support, we’ll be happy to assist.